Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Reflections

This will be a regular post for me on Sunday evenings as I reflect on one of the busiest days of the week for any pastor. It seems lately that the Holy Spirit has brought conviction in the hearts of the people in our church. God's Word today provoked conviction, praise, thanksgiving, and likely hidden things I never saw. The message this morning was from Matthew 7:7-11 (Ask, Seek, Knock). The point was our persistence and God's generosity as a father. I'd like to take a deeper look at how when we refuse to be persistent, it indicates a lack of faith, and says to God, "I don't know if you've got it, so I'll take over." We mistakenly believe that it's somehow more spiritual to pray for something once, and then leave it at that. According to Jesus that's a wrong view of prayer. "Keep on asking and you'll receive; Keep on seeking and you will find; Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you." What are you holding onto because you refuse to continually bring it to our generous father in prayer? Holding onto it isn't doing God any favors, and you'd do well to remember that.

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