Friday, November 2, 2007

Tech Obsessed

I can't stop. I'll admit it. Every time I get some free alone time I'm obsessed with messing around with technology that is relatively new to me. This blog, my family blog, our church website and now Google Analytics, Picasso web galleries, and web hosting for podcasting. These are all amazing tools to help connect with people via a medium that wasn't available for most of the last several thousand years. This stuff is keeping up at night. Instead of sleeping I'm researching whether .mac is a worthy investment to get 10 gigs of web space for podcasts and sermon audio, or whether another option is better. It's 1:25 am and I'm writing about my obsession. I should have been in bed an hour and a half ago. Somebody please stop me.


AXIS said...

I know how you feel. You just got to tell yourself it is for the betterment of the church!!! It will all pass in time.

Oh by the way....once this dies down, we got a PS3 to break in at Christmas!!!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have been fighting with the same issues for over 9 years now. I blame mine on Best Buy. Also it does not help when my friends, like yourself talk about new technology or the next new thing because my desire to own it kicks in. Also my introduction to the MAC has cost me a lot of time and money. If anyone finds the remedy let me know.


Rural American Pastor said...

Chris, I'll tell you the remedy. Go talk to the sales people in the MAC department at Comp USA. They seem aloof, annoyed, and are annoying. It made me want to walk out. This is just a start.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Maybe that is the reason their company is going bankrupt and closing stores.


Rural American Pastor said...

Not to change the subject, but I'm kind of pumped you left a comment. It means the world is out there, and all they have to do is stumble upon out of the clear blue. The chances and opportunities are endless. Now just gotta find a way to host my podcast. Thanks my old tech friend. And check out the link to Mustaches of the 19th century. Truly funny stuff.