Thursday, December 27, 2007

Goals for the New Year

I'm not a mega church pastor.  If I were being absolutely honest I would say, "I don't know if I want to be one."  Lots of young pastors have aspirations to be in a large church.  They see the steps they have to take to get there.  It starts with a smaller church, then a medium, then a larger medium, then a large, then a mega.  Most pastors never get there, but the ones who go this route many times start out knowing that's what they want to do and need to do.  That is not my mindset at Little Mountain.  I came to Little Mountain to plant myself there, and to see my life intertwined with theirs.  I've learned a lot and done a lot badly.  My deepest desire for our church is to see growth.  I don't want this church to be a stepping stone.  I want it to grow, and me with it.  When I say that, I mean both numerically and qualitatively.  I want our people to mature in the faith.  I want our people to reach the lost.  I want the unchurched Christians to be reached (if there's such a thing).  Growth can be good.  It's not good in and of itself, but it can very well mean that people's lives are being changed.  This new year I want to see more life change than ever before.  It has to start with our people.  Our leaders have to lead.  Our people have to come along.  We have to work harder than ever before.  But there's potential there that's untapped, and in the process of being tapped.  I don't know what God intends to do but I do believe this year will see things happen that haven't happened at Little Mountain in a long time.  I believe it will be for the better.  It's not because God told me so.  I simply have faith that He desires to do a work in our midst, and through us.  Whether that happens will not be dependent on His desire.  I believe His desire we can assume is to grow in maturity and in number.  Maybe not to "mega" status, but to meet our God given potential.  If I lose expectations of great things happening I might as well leave the ministry.  I'm already done.  I will be posting specific goals in the near future.  I believe it is important to set measurable, reachable goals.  I am bad at it, but I'm giving it a shot.  Any suggestions?


Rose said...

Hi to all who care!! I pray for you dear pastor and your church family !! May God bless you as you begin a new and fruitful year!mom

Rural American Pastor said...

Thanks mom! You broke the ice a bit in the comments. After you 2 more people finally commented! It's like unwrapping a Christmas gift. Love you.