Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Dry Inkwell

In the old days of writing (I say that as a 30 year old who has NEVER studied this subject matter before!) one had to have a pen and an inkwell. The pen didn't have built in ink like we do today, and of course there were no word processors or typewriters. So you take the pen, dip it in the ink, and write until the ink was off the pen. Then you repeat again and again until finished. This might continue for a while until you run out of ink. And "in the old days" the writer would exclaim loudly, "My ink's run dry!" (I TOTALLY made that last part up; I don't know if they said that, but they should have). What is the point of this post? My inkwell has run dry. I don't have any ink in my brain right now, and can think of absolutely nothing to say (hence the absurdity of this post). It's been quite a while since I've gone this long with nothing to post, but forgive me, don't go away forever. I told someone today that I typically force myself to write. So I log on, click new post, and write; many times without an idea already in mind. Sometimes I like it and post it. Sometimes I reread it and immediately hit delete (something I'm tempted to do right now). Sometimes I just stare........................................... The last one, the staring option, has been where I've been for a week now. So, some day very soon, I will begin thinking again, and posting again, and will not be so sleepy that my thoughts drip like a broken faucet. Until then...may your ink never run dry.

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