Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fight or Flight?

God created us with an interesting trait that's built in to who we are. He gave us adrenaline and programmed us with instinct so that in any given situation if our body senses trouble, it naturally reacts in a certain way. The instincts come alive when the adrenaline starts pumping and we're being prepared for 1 of 2 things. Either we will stay and fight or we will flee to get away. It's a part of our survival. This happens to us when we're in the woods and we see a bear, when we're in a dark alley and we see a shadow, or when we're in the early stages of an argument. It's the last one I want to hit on for a minute. Because there is a 3rd choice that humans have when the adrenaline starts pumping and we know we're in for a fight. We can take the opportunity presented to us as a chance to love the other person the way that Jesus loved them. "Wait a second, that's not in my nature?" Exactly. It's not in your nature. When we're cornered we want to fight or to slip off and escape. Rarely will we desire to stay and love our criticizer. But for the Christian fight or flight can't be our only 2 options. Too much to say and not enough time. Stop back in later.

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