Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sunday Reflections

This past Sunday was yet again a wonderful day for us at Little Mountain. I earnestly believe that God is moving in the hearts of our people, and it's clear that people are being convicted. I pray for a revival among our people, and only God can make that happen. We're drawing near the end of the Sermon on the Mount, and with it our "New Kind of Human" series. We took a look at the Golden Rule from Matthew 7:12. What did we learn from it?
  1. The Golden Rule is our Response to our Gracious and Generous Father - B/c the Father gives good gifts to His children, we ought to respond in like manner to those we come in contact with.
  2. The Golden Rule is an Action Rule - It's a call for us to act. Many religions tell you how not to treat others, but Jesus makes it clear that His command is that we act in love towards others. We can't ignore their needs. We treat them well no matter how we feel about them or how they act towards us.
  3. The Golden Rule is an Application of the OT - The OT has much to tell us about how we ought to treat others. Jesus gives us the summarized Cliff's Notes version of all of that. In other words if you want to follow the OT ethical teachings about how we treat others, then follow the Golden Rule.
It's not easy or automatic by any means. In fact following the GR is impossible by purely human strength. We can't simply will ourselves to do it. It must be our work in conjunction with the Holy Spirit's empowering in our hearts. Pray that God would empower you to respond to His love by acting in love towards others.

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