Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To KJV or not to KJV

There is a quarrel that looks more like a battlefield among some Christians and even entire regions of Christians against others over what particular translation of the Bible is the correct one. Which one is the inspired one? Which one is most accurate, or according to some completely word for word accurate? Nevermind that I don't have the space to address this issue properly in a blog, is this something to divide over?

The divinity of Jesus? The inspiration, infallibility, innerrent nature of the Bible? The Trinity? The nature of salvation by Jesus alone? All things we must divide over if there is ever debate questioning it. There is a place to take your stand and fight your battles. If you're going to fight a battle, choose it wisely, and stay close to those key doctrinal statements of faith.

The questions surrounding Bible translations are legitimate, important questions that we must ask. They should be tactfully addressed. They are worthy things to study. This is not the battleground to fight over. I've read literature from many camps over the course of years. I will confess that I rarely take seriously any side that comes out and says they have and know the ONLY legitimate translation of God's word, and that all others are corrupt and sometimes they will go as far as to say they are of the devil.

How do you even debate that? If someone thinks your copy of the Scriptures was inspired by the Dark Lord, then you've started out a few points behind in that person's book. I've taken my position over the course of time and much study and prayer. Many translations have much to offer. Many are wholly inadequate. Many are somewhere in between. I can learn from an ESV, NIV, NASB, KJV, just fine. Some are easier to understand than others. None do claim within the Bible itself that their translation is the final say so from God.

In the coming year I will likely preach a series on the Bible where we will address these particular questions. If you are an attender or member at Little Mountain then keep your ears peeled for more soon.


Anonymous said...

I personally like to study using the NASB, but I find it annoying to use during worship service because listening, reading along, and trying to work all of this together is w-a-y too much multi-tasking for my male brain. I have decided to start bringing my old KJV to Church.

Vince LaRue said...

Do you have "every word of God" or not?

That's the question.