Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Participational or Parasitic?

Reflections on the message tonight.  I read today in 1 Chronicles 13-16 about how David led Israel frequently into times of corporate worship.  Of course once there, it was the Levites who led, but David called "all of Israel" together many times to worship and celebrate God.  It got me thinking along several lines, but especially about our times of corporate worship.  The people participated in worshiping God.  They not only gathered to listen, but gathered to contribute as well.  Corporate prayer, confession of sins, repentance, praise, thanksgiving, rehearsing great events from the past.  All these came together for a joyous time of worship.  Our music minister gave a nice acronym for what our corporate worship priorities should be.  J.O.Y. -- Jesus, Others, Yourself in that order.  We usually go Ourself, Jesus, Others.  A bit out of whack.  

I presented a handout of the difference between participating in worship and coming along for the show.  The 1st is the Biblical model.  The 2nd is the Parasitical model.  A parasite comes along and sucks the life blood out of the host.  It contributes nothing to the health of the host.  It only takes, and in some cases gives diseases.  Like a tick with Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.  It's the same of Church Parasites.  They come only for what they can eat and they will suck and drain the life out of the host church.  Every church has parasites.  The question is how many?  

I will make the handout available here on the blog tomorrow or Friday.  I think I can upload downloadable files.  Check it out if you see it.  Oh, and don't be a parasite!

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