Monday, January 7, 2008

Peter Ruckman

I am listening to a man named Peter Ruckman's latest I suppose "Bible Study."  So far it's not been any Bible teaching and instead it one long promotion of his Bible Baptist Bookstore where you can have the distinction of getting books that "debunk" all those who don't believe the KJV is the one true and perfect Bible.  All of these bookstores will "not dare to sell or carry" these books.  Is it because they are scared as he seems to say?  I say probably not.  More than likely they're untruthful, and in fact are blatantly false.  Written with a total disregard for the truth. Maybe I'm wrong, but this kind of stuff scares me.  It is illogical, irrational, and divisive.  I have never seen such vitriol and hatred being preached by supposed Christians.  He just said "the hidden baloney of the baloney factories!"  That's one to remember.  The angel of the Lord related directly all the people of the world before the OT and before Jesus came on the scene says Ruckman.  I can't waste anymore time on this sad and scary radio show.  

UPDATE:  Upon further reflection, Ruckman is correct.  Book stores are scared.  Very scared, of Peter Ruckman.  He is a very scary person.  I think I had a nightmare about him last night.  I will call it a "Ruckmare."  I hope I have no more.


Adam Antine said...

Believe me when I say you are not alone in your "ruckmare". I grew up in a church heavily influenced by the man himself (a "bible baptist" church). I have ridden in the same vehicle with him... My father is listed in his books as a "true defender" of the faith once delivered (aka KJV onlyism). I know the type of people his "institute" produces. They are fightin fundies to the maximus. Any way, I would encourage you to know that several have been under his teaching (myself) and have come out on the otherside (with some sanity). Do not fear him who can kill the body, fear him who can kill the soul! Ha.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am a graduate of Pensacola Bible Institute, Ruckman's Bible "Institute" as Scott Grace has mentioned. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to study under Peter Ruckman. I love the man like a grand-father and have learned so much from him. I am not ashamed to say I follow him.

Also, while at Decatur Baptist Church I have sat under Scott's dad, George Grace and a few other folks from their neck of the woods such as Larry Waye and Bobby Bonner. I love and appreciate what they do for the Lord. Though I disagree with some of their beliefs and their practices on how to handle the Bible version issue, I would not jump on the internet and try to slander them as Scott Grace and Rural Pastor have Ruckman. May you guys do at least one-tenth as much as Ruckman has done for the Lord.

Go get you a ministry and serve Jesus Christ and quit talking about how he and his "fundies" are so bad when you are doing the same type of thing that you say they do (Scott). You guys should find something better to do with the Lord’s time that is less divisive and that doesn’t smack of back-biting. You guys act like Ruckman hasn’t led numerous thousands to the Lord, Trained hundreds…correction...THOUSANDS, of pastors, teachers and lay persons. They are all over America and in numerous countries all over the world. And again fellas, GET A JOB FOR THE LORD AND DO IT! Shut up with all this trashy gossip, you sound like me (I do this same type of crap at times, so don't think I am trying to sound "Holier than thou"). I just don't like folks trashing people I love. One day all we may have down here on this earth is each other and God’s Book, the AV1611. So lets get back on track and do something better for the Lord than trash each other on the internet.

Brian Solomon
John 6:68

Anonymous said...

There always will be men that God allows to walk and talk upon the earth. Some with and without a certian message given by GOD. What scares us most?? the message or the man?

I have met him and his followers. Not everyone has tac and grace in there speach, never the less the message seems to be consistent. The key to his message is dependent on God's Word.

If he were to say the Earth was going to flood and he was building a Ark, I would say he is crazy.

If he were to say America was going to be overthrown and taken into captivity I would say he was "touched".

If he ate locust and wore camels hair for clothes and said a Holy man was coming after him that would Baptize men with fire that seek repentance an turn to God. I would say he needs a Cat-scan.

But Noah, Jeremiah, and John the Baptist did say these things and they were true at that time......
Talk about the man as much as you want but you better hold on to see if the message based on the Bible and if its true or comes to pass.
..or just believe No Bible no god??

…what's really scary is God gave orders to King's to kill off entire city's including women, men, children plus live stock.

The Same God says: If you don’t trust in Jesus you will burn forever in hell with darkness.

If this man Ruckman scares you.. you really dont know the Lord God and His Son Christ Jesus as well as you might think.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living GOD.

So what is it? the man or the message?

Elijah cut off false prophets heads!!!...for those that fear Ruckman and have Ruckmears. Don't read the Bible it will scare the hell out of you.

Just drink John 3:16 milk and Pslams milk and God will burp you and lay you down for a nappy.

By the way I would not be a member of his Church. But I would not rail against him unless I knew his scriptures were wrong or he was proclaiming a vision.

Nice chalk art I give him 3 stars.
Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Yes, stick with the logic and reason like Jack Johnson and Lauren Hill.

Anonymous said...

You simply could not be more mistaken in your ill-informed assessment of Peter S. Ruckman and his ministry. I have attended his church and school, and have known him for 25 years. His admittedly provocative speech is a polemic technique, used to counterbalance the slack-jawed reverence in which critics of the Authorized Version are held by so many pastors and teachers; and to embolden those believers who still cling to the AV as God's word. He is the kindest man I have ever known, and one of the wisest. He has many flaws, to which I am not blind; but, taken all in all, he is a great man of God, whose like we shall not see again. Your denigration of his ministry adds no luster to your own, and detracts none from his.

Anonymous said...

You're an ignorant pastor, and you will be accountable for everything you say...and everyone you lead astray.

Anonymous said...

While Pastor Ruckman's life could not be classified as anything short of perfection (wow), neither can anyone else come to the front and say they are better off than that guy. I dont know Peter Ruckman personally, but I can share with you all that for the first time in my life, I have read one book (aside from the KJV) that helped me see how hopelessly duped many churches have been already, feeding on "melamine" Bibles, slowly poisoning their lives, such that they have been unable to grow naturally as John 15 said, and how John 6:63 should have been applied. One man God used to preach the TRUE WORD of God, the KJV 1611, in the face of MOST CHURCHES USING THE NEW INTERNATIONAL PERVERSION bibles!!! What say we? Can we or did we even stand up to the truth and challenged many churches who believe in the Pope-sponsored Jesuit led NIV and all the other non-KJV Bible? Ahhhh Silence. Conviction comes in and then we realize how true the KJV is, and how much poison has been ingested by almost majority of churches today!!! Ever wondered why the Roman Catholics read their Bible also? it's the same Bible many church read - the same non-KJV Bible, the demeans Jesus Christ, calls Jesus as the Satan, and many more attacks too horrible to even enumerate here. And churches just kept on swallowing the NIVs hook line and sinker.

My advise - do what Peter Ruckman did - stand for the True Word of God - the same Word which the Lord lifted up above all His Names.

Anonymous said...

For thoroughly documented information on Peter Ruckman, you should visit

Anonymous said...

don't you think we should refrain from crude, rude street language. Calling people names is not nice. Jesus Christ did call some wolves in sheep's clothing:but some names being called are not scriptural but sound some thing like rappers would say.
remember the KJV does put in italics the words that were added by the translators, so it looks like there are added words.
A true KJV only person would not need a bible dictionary or a concordance. without going to a commentary, bible dictionary or concordance read in the KJV the following verses....Hebrews 4:8 and Acts 7:45 and ask yourself the question if you would quote these scriptures verbatim and say they are true.
.....Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. He is the great I am according to Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Ex 3:14 (KJV) and John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
John 8:58 (KJV)4 Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? 5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. 6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. 7 Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. 8 Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he:
John 18:4-8 (KJV)....why does the KJV add a word here change His deity? T^he word He in the preceding verses is in italics thereby signifying the word was added by translators. Why would the translators do this and take away from the deity of Christ?

Anonymous said...

Read your Bible people. Please check everything out for yourself.Pray for bro. Ruckman and his followers. Be reasonable and teachable. Learn to listen and be quick to hear and slow to speak. I know many of his followers and love them all, they are mostly bold witnesses for the LORD some are blessed street preachers..praise God for that. I read here something said by Ruckman's son...i like that. Wish my sons would say nice things about me like this man did his Dad. May God bless everyone of you and your loved ones forever in Christ Jesus

Anonymous said...

Saints of the Most High Living God remember when Jesus Christ said..."If you are ashamed of me and my word in this sinful and adulterous generation i will be ashamed of you in the presence of my Father and His Holy angels....put the gospel and God's word outside your buildings where your church meets...don't be ashamed of God's word... not the name Bible Baptist or any other name...... except the name above every nae should be proclaimed. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD

Anonymous said...

"Every knee shall bow and eery tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD to the glory of the Father"